Analysis of the Interrelation of Thematic Contents of the Courses Food Processes and Food Technology Laboratory in the Bachelor’s Degree in Food Chemistry

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Eva Bermúdez García
Roeb García Arrazola
Maura Pompa Mansilla


Current educational models prioritize the interrelation between different areas and dimensions of knowledge to promote greater effectiveness in the teaching-learning process. This study analyzed the content of two courses from the final semesters of the curriculum that have a vertical sequence: Food Processes (1716) and Food Technology Laboratory (1809), using data analysis and bibliometrics tools to identify topics that, in addition to being relevant to current research, allow for better application of theoretical concepts in experimental development, using a practical case as an example. The analysis identified the strengths of the study plans and the opportunities for improvement by proposing the inclusion of content in line with current research trends in food science and technology.

The present work aims to conduct an analysis of the content and structure of the curriculum of the subjects "Food Processes" (1716) and "Food Technology Laboratory" (1809) in the Food Chemistry program. The goal is to identify common elements between both subjects, prioritizing tha basic knowledge that allows, through a solid theoretical understanding, the experimental execution of various technological processes for food modification. In this way, it will be possible to identify how both subjects are related and evaluate how this connection influences the construction of students' knowledge.


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