Inquiry, Chemistry Understanding Levels, and Bilingual Learning
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This research followed the teaching and learning processes of the case-based computerized laboratory (CCL) module in bilingual setting — BCCL and unilingual setting — UCCL. The goal of the research was to examine the effect of the CCL module in bilingual setting (Hebrew and Arabic) on developing higher order thinking skills among high school Arab students. The research participants included about 270 12th grade honors chemistry students from thirteen high schools. Research tools included an ‘unseen’— a narrative, real-life case study in pre and post questionnaires. These questionnaires served for assessing question posing and inquiry skills. Research results showed that both BCCL and UCCL students improved their question posing and inquiry skills from the pre- to the post questionnaires. In addition, the BCCL students improved their inquiry skills significantly better than their UCCL peers. The research findings have shown that exposure to second language (SL) via gradual translation of scientific learning materials is effective in promoting students` inquiry skills. In the practical domain, the research significance is exemplified in the contribution to chemistry teachers by providing them with tools for overcoming the obstacles while teaching science in second language, and may assist their students in smooth integration into higher education.
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