Implementation of a distance learning didactic sequence for the quantification of starch in food by spectrophotometry

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Miguel Ángel Hernández Valdepeña
Bertha Julieta Sandoval Guillén
Eva Bermúdez García


Experimental courses in chemistry allow students to consolidate and apply theoretical concepts while developing basic competencies and skills for their training, such as the use of equipment and instruments and the ability to solve problems. Given the possibility of situations that limit the execution of laboratory practices in person, it is important to have teaching tools to carry out experimental sessions at home. This paper analyzes the implementation of a distance experimental didactic sequence that was applied to students of the Food Laboratory I, in which, based on iodometric techniques, the starch content in food is quantified; obtaining a standard curve and using a mobile phone application as a spectrophotometer. When implementing the sequence, a significant improvement was observed in the acquisition of knowledge of the students when comparing the notes of partial evaluations with those of previous semesters in which the distance activities were only theoretical. Therefore, it is proposed that the developed sequence is a useful tool in distance learning contexts, which meets its learning objectives and allows the development of the sought-after skills.

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