Material synthesis: magnetic ceramics. Experimental proposal on problems based learning

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María de Lourdes Chávez García
José Martín Enrique Carreto Cortés
Tania Ariadna García Mejía


The Laboratory Experimental Proposals of the subject Materials Synthesis at the Chemistry Faculty, which were missing, were developed on the Inquiry Learning or Research Approach based on the curriculum. This work purpose was to pose a couple of students one of the proposals: the study of Magnetic Materials. For such task, they were provided with a practical application problem, the preparation of a magnetic ceramic for biomedical applications on magnetic hyperthermia with the goal to reinforce their research, methodological and experimental practice skills as a part of their professional formation along a research stay. The problem was solved in a successful way. Regarding the proposal, it was verified on a written report as a research article and the students´opinions. This proposal is a feasible work option in the laboratory; following the learning framework, which promotes collaboration, critical thinking, research capacity and self-direction with minimal coaching or mentorship

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Author Biographies

María de Lourdes Chávez García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Laboratorio de cerámica. Departamento de Química Inorgánica y Nuclear.

Tania Ariadna García Mejía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Departamento de Química Inorgánica y Nuclear

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