
  • Revista Prueba SRAPD

    Esta revista se ha creado para realizar pruebas internas de la SRAPD.

  • CuidArte Journal


    The CuidArte Journal "The Art of Caring" belongs to the academic community of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; its periodicity is biannual every February and August in digital version.

    Its objective is to disseminate disciplinary, methodological, theoretical, and empirical research, as well as techniques and procedures advances among the members of the academic and scientific community of the Nursing and Health Sciences discipline worldwide.

    The willingness of its publication is open to all universities and researchers interested in contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge in Nursing and Health Sciences.


    -Original article

    -Review and update article

    -Nursing process


    -Nursing narrative

    -Health diagnosis




    -Social service interns,


    -Professionals, and


    of the Health Sciences Area (Nursing, Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Psychology, Optometry, etc.) National and International.

  • De Raíz Diversa. Revista Especializada en Estudios Latinoamericanos

    Los contenidos de las investigaciones que se publican dentro de la revista corresponden a diferentes incursiones analíticas y expresan diversas perspectivas desde las que puede ser estudiada América Latina. Los contenidos temáticos de la revista pretenden explorar y reflejar un sentido plural  que es correspondiente con los seis campos de conocimiento que estructuran el currículo del Programa de Posgrado en  Estudios Latinoamericanos, en cada uno de sus fascículos la revista a de tratar problemas que comprendan la historia, la cultura, formación estructural, política, literaturas, sociedad o filosofías.

    Público al que va dirigido la revista

    La revista está dirigida especialmente a los investigadores y estudiantes de los posgrados en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, sin embargo, la amplitud de los temas que abarca la reflexión sobre América Latina y el Caribe puede ser de un interés más general que incluya a personas e instituciones de un público más amplio que el del ámbito exclusivo de la academia, aquel formado por gentes preocupadas por entender la peculiaridad de los procesos que acontecen en esta área del mundo.

  • Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia

    La Revista Mexicana de Ortodoncia es de circulación trimestral y publica trabajos nacionales e internacionales que son resultado de investigaciones científicas originales, artículos de revisión y reportes de casos relacionados con aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos y básicos de la ortodoncia en español e inglés. El sistema de arbitraje por pares garantiza mantener estándares de calidad. La revista fue creada en 2013, siendo la primera publicación del área de la ortodoncia en México creada con fines de divulgación científica. Los ejemplares impresos se envían a más de 270 universidades, bibliotecas e institutos de investigación de México y de países como EUA, España, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Japón, entre otros.
  • Acta Sociológica

    Acta Sociológica is an open forum for diffusion, debate and discussion of a large variety of problems that are addressed from different theoretical and methodological approaches. The journal focuses on sociology's areas of study, but it also accepts studies about the different areas of social sciences. This journal publishes articles and essays that come from the progress done in various research.
  • Anuario de Historia

    La publicación del Anuario de Historia de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras representa un gran logro, no sólo porque después de muchos años el Colegio de Historia vuelve a contar con una publicación que refleje el valioso trabajo de investigación que realizan sus académicos, sino también porque es resultado de la colaboración entre los profesores de la Licenciatura Escolarizada y los del Sistema de Universidad Abierta, mostrando así la amplia integración y espíritu de colaboración de todo el Colegio que abarca tanto las carreras de historia como su posgrado.


  • Academia XXII

    Academia XXII is a research journal published biannually by the Centro de Investigaciones en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje (CIAUP) of the Facultad de Arquitectura of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Since 2010 it has published original, unpublished, updated, and specialized academic texts devoted to the theoretical and practical analysis of architecture, urbanism, landscape architecture and industrial design, from a multidisciplinary perspective. We invite you to contribute to the journal by sending us your research articles, we accept texts written in English and Spanish.

  • Archipielago. Revista cultural de nuestra América

    Archipiélago. Revista Cultural de Nuestra América is a publication born in Mexico in 1992, as an expression of an interdisciplinary cultural project that aims to contribute to the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean, including its migrants in other countries. It is co-published by the Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean of the UNAM, and is recognized by UNESCO representation in the country. The magazine selects quarterly a sample of thought, memory and scientific creativity, art and literature of the region. It has a national and international distribution, by institutional, commercial and personal channels.

  • Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Zoología

    Anales del Instituto de Biología (Serie Zoologí­a) used to publish manuscripts from Mexico or abroad, that were the result of original scientific research related to zoology, mainly from México and the Americas. They ceased to appear in 1994, and transformed into Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad.
  • Encrucijada, an electronic journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration

    Encrucijada, an electronic journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration, created in 2009, aims to analyze the most important issues of governments and their public administrations and to place them at the center of national and international debate. The publication is aimed at researchers, students, teachers and readers interested in public-administrative issues.

    Encrucijada, an electronic journal of the Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública, is a double-blind, open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal, which does not charge any fees for receiving or processing articles (APC). It is published every four months.

  • Murmullos Filosoficos

    The magazine Murmullos Filosoficos hosts analysis and interpretations of different authors which attest the splendor of a restless mind that is perpetually wondering about issues like the knowledge of human beings, happiness as an enigma, the autonomy of the individual subject, man as a political being, human virtue, freedom, the idea of progress, the transformation of the individual subject by means of education; among many other topics of this nature
  • Anuario de Literatura Dramática y Teatro

    El objetivo primordial de un anuario es descubrir que el teatro es también un complejo objeto de estudio de las humanidades. Este Anuario, por lo tanto, se convierte en un reflejo fiel del Colegio, probablemente uno de los espacios teórico-práctico de formación teatral más completo de nuestro país.

  • DemoS

    Demos is sponsored by the Coordinación de Humanidades of the UNAM, the Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática and the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales of the UNAM and is also supported by the Colegio de México A.C. The distribution in the north zone of Mexico and the south of the United States is done by the Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Radio production is in charge of Luis Lavalle Tommasi. IISUNAM/ Mario de la Cueva circuit second level H-06. Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades. Cultural Zone of Ciudad Universitaria 04510 Mexico D.F.
  • Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Botánica

    Anales del Instituto de Biología (Serie Botánica) used to publish manuscripts from Mexico or abroad, that were the result of original scientific research related to botany, mainly from México and the Americas. They ceased to appear in 1994, and transformed into the Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad.
  • Dimensión Económica

    Dimensión económica (Economic dimension) is a digital space of the Economic Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones económicas in Spanish) where you will be able to find original articles concerning economy issues, mainly addressing world change and also focusing on Latin America facts. By means of this digital publication, the authors describe, explain and interpret in an easy-going way the contemporary economic processes. Among the diverse subjects discussed by this journal, the ones standing out are: finance, migration, industrial activity, poverty, primary sector, education, employment, and technology.

    Director: Dr. Alejandro Méndez Rodríguez


    Teléfono: 01 (55) 56230115

  • El Búho Gaceta Electrónica de la Facultad de Derecho UNAM

    Publicación trimestral de las actividades de la  Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • Bitacora Arquitectura

    BITÁCORA ARQUITECTURA is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the School of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM since 1999. The journal specializes in the critical, historical and theoretical study of architecture, landscape architecture, industrial design, urbanism, and art as studied from multiple vantage points. It is published three times a year and its goal is to disseminate knowledge on these topics and, therefore, it is aimed towards a wide audience including students, architects, philosophers, town planners, designers, artists, historians, critics and theorists of art, architecture, and social sciences, as well as any other person interested in the themes addressed in the journal.

  • Ciencias

    Is a cientific culture publication edited by the Sciences Faculty of the UNAM.
  • Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl

    Publication of the Institute of Historical Research of the UNAM, designed to bring forth all kinds of documentary sources, indigenous codices and texts of historical importance, ethnographic, linguistic, cultural or generically, in relation to the various Nahua peoples in periods pre-Hispanic, Colonial and Independent Mexico.
  • Crónicas. El Muralismo, Producto de la Revolución Mexicana, en América

    Crónicas is the Bulletin that informs about the researching advances on artists who belong to the Mexican Muralist Movement, as well to the named Mexican School of Painting, their contemporaries, their time and also the historical, social, political and cultural situation; the Bulletin touches subjects of central interest in the Posrevolutionary Mexican Art. The contents are varied: there are miscellaneous issues and other monographic ones; in this last case are some dedicated to the Murals in the Primary Schools in Mexico City, the Frescoes at the Market Abelardo L. Rodriguez, the Murals of David Alfaro Siqueiros, as well the Muralism in Cuba, or the Influences of the Mexican Muralism in Artists from other Countries. The collaborators are mainly the members of the project which Ida Rodriguez Prampolini started in 1997. It is important to mention that the Bulletin receive contributions from Mexican and foreigners scholars, whose work is focused on the Mexican Muralist Movement. The Crónicas content is divided in sections: Articles, Documents, Secrets from the Wall (technical aspects) and the Actors Talk (testimonies, judgments of value, critics, interviews and reflections of the artists about themselves or from other major figures of this Mexican  Painting Movement).

  • Estudios Latinoamericanos

    En 1986 inicia la publicación de la Revista Estudios Latinoamericanos en el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA). Históricamente, la revista ha sido un espacio de encuentro tanto para los académicos adscritos al CELA, como para profesores e investigadores de la Facultad y de diversos centros de investigación de la UNAM, así como para colaboradores de universidades nacionales y extranjeras. La procedencia de todos ellos aunado a la disciplina y enfoque con el que abordan sus trabajos es lo que imprime un alto rigor académico a cada uno de los números de la revista. Además de ser un órgano de difusión de la investigación del Centro y otras instituciones académicas, la revista es un espacio abierto a los estudiantes de Posgrado y una fuente de información necesaria para los estudiantes de diversas licenciaturas, y estudiosos interesados en temas de América Latina.

    Estudios Latinoamericanos journal began its publication in 1986 at the Center for Latin American Studies (CELA). Historically, our journal has provided a gathering space to scholars associated to CELA, to professors and researchers of the School of Social and Political Science at UNAM, to other institutions affiliated to this University, and partners from national and international schools of higher education.  These scholars discipline and focus have instilled academic rigor to every issue being published at Estudios Latinoamericanos. In addition, our journal is available to graduate students eager to publish; it is a resource center for any undergraduate student, and a friendly place for scholars interested in Latin American studies.

  • Eutopía

    La Revista Eutopía es una publicación del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades dirigida a los profesores y al público interesado en la Educación Media Superior. Se publica semestralmente y su finalidad es difundir contenidos educativos que favorezcan al Bachillerato. Contiene entrevistas a destacados universitarios que disciernen sobre la importancia y el valor de la educación Media Superior, y sobre temáticas propias de su disciplina. Artículos que favorecen la innovación en contenidos educativos y aportaciones que contribuyen a la actualización didáctica-disciplinaria, así como reseñas de libros o eventos educativos y culturales.

    INTER DISCIPLINA is a scientific journal of the multidisciplinary area, published by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. It is committed to disseminating innovative, original, scientific and professional knowledge through the publication of specialized articles in different interdisciplinary areas in the sciences and humanities. This journal is refereed by academic peers with a double blind system. With a four-monthly periodicity (January-April, May-August, September-December), it is published in Spanish and English and is available in both print and digital formats.

  • Anuario del Colegio de Estudios Latinoamericanos. UNAM

    Los estudios latinoamericanos que imparte la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras constituyen un proyecto académico innovador en el conocimiento de la historia, la sociedad y la cultura de América Latina. La orientación humanística de estos estudios 
    —articulada con las aportaciones de las ciencias sociales— afianza la amplitud de su enfoque epistemológico y propicia la aplicación de un plan de estudios que por su carácter interdisciplinario, abre espacios creativos para la investigación y la docencia.
  • Acta Comportamentalia

    ACTA COMPORTAMENTALIA (ISSN 0188-8145) is published three times a year (april, august and december) under patronage of Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) and digital support from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. It is a international journal focused on original manuscripts publishing about behavior analysis in the most important latin languages: spanish, portuguese, french and italian. This journal is a high level scientific forum to express the tradition, originality an inovation of the latin culture, as a special promoter of the points of view from an area of scientific knowledge that has been traditionally built from a pragmatic anglo culture's perspective.
  • Atención Familiar

    Atención Familiar is a quarterly science magazine with peer review, specializing in Family Medicine and Primary Health Care. It is the mean of dissemination of the Department of Family Medicine, Division of Post-Graduate Studies, of the Faculty of Medicine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

  • Annals of Anthropology

    In 1964 the first volume of the Anales de antropología journal was published as a channel for diffusion and scientific communication  in national and international levels. The journal disseminates papers of international relevance topics. According to the editorial tradition of the journal, scientific works, critic, theoretical and methodological essays, bibliographic reviews of different areas of anthropology like physical anthropology, archeology, etnology and linguistics can be published. In the present, this journal regains an approach that can be either interdisciplinary or transdiciplinary without losing the perspective of the specialty from which the articles are addressed.

  • BIOCYT Biología Ciencia y Tecnología

    BIOCYT is an international arbitrated journal and the UNAM is not responsible for the opinions of the authors that participate in it.  BIOCYT journal is dedicated to share out the investigation in different knowledge areas such as: Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Systematics and Taxonomy, Biogeography, Evolution, Physiology, Embryology and Morphology.The categories to be accepted include articles and scientific notes. Aims and Scope: Within the ecological area the papers to be accepted include environmental education, biosecurity, ordination, populations' ecology, communities and ecology of ecosystems, as well as aspects of environmental impact. In the zoological area, the papers that are going to be considered include the ones about Carcinology, Ichthyology, Entomology, Ornithology, Herpetology, Mastozoology and Acarology, among others. The botanical papers and those related to animal or vegetal Physiology are also welcomed.

  • Anuario de Filosofía

    El Anuario de Filolosofía esta integrado trabajos de calidad de profesores del Colegio de Filosofía que han estado desarrollando investigaciones sobre problemas de ética, estética, epistemología, ontología y filosofía de la cultura. Los artículos de las diferentes secciones se caracterizan por centrarse en problemas teóricos o prácticos vigentes en la actualidad. Con ello se muestra la pertinencia de la reflexión filosófica para hablar y discutir acerca de los problemas del mundo contemporáneo.
  • Boletín SUAyED

    El Boletín SUAyED es un medio de divulgación para el Sistema Universidad Abierta y Edcuación a Distancia (SUAyED) de la UNAM y otras instituciones afines, editado por la Coordinación de la Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia (CUAED) en colaboración con las entidades académicas de esta universidad.

    El Boletín SUAyED es un foro de expresión e intercambio de experiencias acerca de los desarrollos, investigación e implantación de modelos y métodos educativos apoyados en el uso, evolución e innovación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC).

    En cada número se publican reportajes, entrevistas y artículos con novedades, recomendaciones y agenda de actos académicos.

  • Anuario de Letras Hispánicas. Glosas hispánicas

    Este Anuario reúne artículos de investigadores y docentes del Colegio de Letras Hispánicas, así como de académicos de otras áreas de la misma UNAM y de instituciones externas. Las contribuciones se centran en estudios referentes al hispanismo o a manifestaciones culturales afines en las áreas de lingüística, literatura y docencia, es decir, en los estudios filológicos. El Anuario busca imprimir y aportar a las investigaciones en torno a la filología hispánica el punto de vista del trabajo académico mexicano, proponiendo así un diálogo e intercambio de alto nivel y rigor para enriquecer a nuestra academia y, también, para colocar nuestras aportaciones en el escenario mundial. Con los trabajos presentados queremos contribuir a la difusión de la filología realizada en México, así como al fortalecimiento del diálogo de nuestra institución con otros espacios académicos.

  • Poligrafías. Revista de Teoría Literaria y Literatura comparada

    Desde su fundación, la revista Poligrafías. Revista de Literatura Comparada —ahora Poligrafías. Revista de Teoría Literaria y Literatura Comparada— tuvo un carácter interdisciplinario e intercultural. Sus artículos versan sobre literatura comparada y teoría literaria, así como sobre otras artes y disciplinas que puedan relacionarse con la literatura y/o la teoría literaria.
    Los temas desarrollados en esta revista son teoría literaria, literatura en un contexto intercultural, análisis sobre una o varias obras literarias, con énfasis en algún problema teórico general o aspecto particular de la literatura comparada (temas, imágenes, configuraciones históricas, géneros, etcétera), temas interdisciplinarios acerca de las relaciones entre la literatura y otras disciplinas y artes, y reseñas de libros relacionados con la literatura comparada.

  • Journal of the Faculty of Law of Mexico

    The Journal of the Faculty of Law of Mexico emerged in 1951 when the National School of Jurisprudence became the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, since that year it is its editorial body. This publication is a continuation of the Journal of the National School of Jurisprudence whose origin dates from 1939. Its purpose is to make known the products of national and international legal research to all those interested in the study of law. Its content includes articles, analysis of legislation and jurisdictional decisions, as well as reviews. The articles are published after a double blind opinion, made by a portfolio of national and foreign arbitrators specialized in the different legal disciplines. The Journal admits for publication articles in Spanish, English, Italian, French, German and Portuguese in printed version and from 2017 starts a new stage in its electronic version with four-monthly periodicity.

  • Investigación Económica

    Investigación Económica is a bilingual, plural and critic journal that accepts and publishes national and international articles about scientific research of economy. This journal is considered as a public good that belongs to the University and the society. The vocation of the journal is the analysis of economic theory and practice evolution. The journal's pages disseminate topics like the paradigm of economic science, the history of economic tought, debates between different theories about political economies and their consequences, diagnosis of Mexico economy, the economic development in Latin America and the problems of world economy.

  • La experiencia Literaria

    La revista La Experiencia Literaria publica los trabajos de los profesores del Colegio de Letras Hispánicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, y de otras instituciones
  • Revista de Literaturas Populares

    La Revista de Literaturas Populares es la primera publicación especializada cuyo objeto de estudio abarca la literatura folclórica o tradicional, la actual literatura de masas, la reflexión teórica sobre las mismas y las relaciones de éstas con la literatura "culta", incluso la literatura indígena, que en la revista se presenta en su lengua original y con la traducción correspondiente. Esta publicación se permite aproximaciones diversas a las expresiones de literatura popular (la propiamente literaria, la histórica, la psicológica, la antropológica, etcétera) pues pretende conseguir un acercamiento interdisciplinario a su materia de estudio.
    La aproximación que intenta es una de carácter concéntrico: se centra en las expresiones mexicanas (incluidas las de los migrantes), pero amplía su campo de atención a las expresiones latinoamericanas y también a las europeas circunscritas a un marco temporal que cubre toda la historia mexicana: desde la época prehispánica, la Colonia y los siglos XIX y XX hasta nuestros días.
  • Matices del Posgrado Aragón

    Matices. Revista de Posgrado es una publicación multidisciplinaria que muestra el trabajo de académicos estudiantes de las cuatro maestrías (Arquitectura, Derecho, Economía, Pedagogía), de tres doctorados (Derecho, Economía y Pedagogía) y de las Especializaciones en Puentes (programa único en América Latina) y en Derecho que integran a la División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación (DEPI) de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón (FES Aragón). Matices. Revista de Posgrado es una publicación de contenido multidisciplinario, que cuenta con cinco secciones: Dossier, que incluye siempre la temática central del número (aunque no es monográfica) en las secciones Aportaciones y Debate; la sección Otros temas que contiene las participaciones o colaboraciones (artículos de investigación, ensayos) de temáticas diferentes a la sección principal); la Sección bibliográfica, en donde se recomiendan lecturas de temáticas actuales, y para finalizar, se presenta a los colaboradores de ese número de la revista en una sección denominada Autores.

  • Derecho Comparado de la Información

    Se trata de una publicaciones dedicada a la difusión e intercambio internacional de estudios de derecho comparado de los medios de comunicación y la libertad de información. Las colaboraciones que se reciben con el objetivo de ser publicadas en nuestra revista son sometidas a dictámenes y demás procedimientos establecidos por el Departamento de Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM. Los principales temas que aborda nuestra revista son los siguientes: 1. regulación de medios; 2. nuevas tecnologías; 3. medios en conflicto; 4. derechos a la información; 5. derecho de acceso a la información; 6. derecho de los periodistas; 7. libertad de expresión y libertad de información; 8. privacidad, intimidad y protección de datos personales.
  • Educación Química

    Educación Química is an international journal that covers topics such as teacher training updates, the professional sector, and students; didactic exploration of difficult-to-learn topics; the dissemination of chemistry; the use of history for teaching chemistry; exchange of media and evaluation criteria for learning; promotion of experimental science and technology education; exchange of experiences in curriculum design, evaluation, and educational research; connection between different educational levels; debate on major education issues; and promotion of student participation in chemistry.

  • Peninsula

    This is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that favors the publication of works on the south and southeast of Mexico, as well as the Caribbean and Central America, although it is also open to proposals on texts from other latitudes. It is published by the Peninsular Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, located in Mérida, Yucatán. It receives articles and critical reviews of new publications under the commitment that they have not been simultaneously submitted to another media. The writings must be unpublished and can be presented in Spanish, English or Yucatecan Mayan.

  • Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública

    The aim of the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública (RMOP) is academic reflection centered around concrete issues related to public opinion in Mexico, Latin America and the world. The RMOP is a space for analysis based on quantitative and qualitative arguments, as well as evidemce that supports cause-effect explanations.
  • Estudios de Cultura Otopame

    Esta revista se ubica como parte del interés que la UNAM tiene sobre culturas indígenas de nuestro país y que ha manifestado en las revistas Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl y Estudios de Cultura Maya. Como publicación especializada incluye artículos sobre grupos otomí, mazahua, matlatzinca, ocuilteco, pame y chichimeco, resultado de la investigación antropológica así como de disciplinas afines, con el objetivo de destacar el desarrollo histórico-antropológico de estos grupos indígenas y su importancia en nuestro país.

  • Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana de Política, Filosofía y Derecho

    Crítica Jurídica is an academic journal that handles with theoretical and philosophical analyses of Law, as well as with papers with subjects from the range of Political philosophy, all of this from a critical theory perspective. As a Latin-American Journal, Crítica Jurídica is committed with publishing papers that offer not only a critical Latin-american perspective of law, but also, and for the most part, new local and regional perspective that enable a new, more including and egalitarian Law, one that adjusts to the social practices and historical conditions of our region. Nevertheless, our Journal also provides a space to those accounts of Law produced from all other regions of the world.

  • Vertientes. Revista Especializada en Ciencias de la Salud

    Es una publicación semestral editada por la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, dirigida a investigadores, profesionistas y estudiantes. Tiene como objetivo difundir la investigación en las áreas de la salud y el comportamiento.

  • Cuadernos Interamericanos de Investigación en Educación Musical

    Semiannual publication that is edited by the Escuela Nacional de Música. This journal aims to disseminate the results of research on different topics about musical education done by researchers and teachers from different institutions in America, these documents promote thinking about musical education in all levels.
  • Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología

    Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología has the purpose of disseminate information and also original and unpublished knowledge related to all the areas of engineering.  It is an open forum for professors, researchers, professionals and students from all over the world.
  • Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala

    The Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala has as its goals the publication of articles that are of psychologic and scientific orientation. this means the inclusion of current ideas like behavioural theory, Systemic family coaching and interbehavioral theory mainly. The purpose of this journal is to establish a forum where the people that is interested in psychology can express themselves with a scientific approach.
  • Ola Financiera

    Electronic journal that shares among the scientific and universitary communities the results of various ponderings and rigorous analysis around financial economics and international economy that help to understand the complexity of political economy in financial issues. This journal mission is to expand scientific research and its dissemination in contemporary financial economics issues. The journal was started  by the financial economics research group composed of various academics from the Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas of the faculty of economics of UNAM, along with scholars from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and the Universidad de Zacatecas in Mexico. Also there are contributions from scholars of universities in United States, Canada, Argentina, Spain and France.

    Call for papers special issueBanco de Mexico


    Call for papers special issue on Argentina

  • Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis

    The MEXICAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (MJBA), (ISSN-0185-4534) is published twice a year (June and December) by the Mexican Society for Behavior Analysis. The MJBA publishes original basic or applied research reports relevant to the behavior of nonhuman animals and humans. Review, theoretical articles, technical notes, and brief research reports are also considered for publication. The MJBA is a bilingual journal, publishing papers in either Spanish or English. Abstracts in both languages are also included for each article.

  • Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica

    La Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica es una publicación electrónica cuatrimestral (gratuita y de libre acceso) de la Asociación Interamericana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental-AIDIS, coeditada por el Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM. Contempla artículos que abarcan aspectos relacionados con el conocimiento científico y práctico del área de la Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental. 

    El enfoque es interdisciplinario buscando contribuir en forma directa a la generación de conocimiento, al desarrollo de tecnologías y a un mejor desempeño profesional en el área de ingeniería ambiental. Entre los principales temas cubiertos por la revista están: tratamiento de aguas residuales, potabilización y calidad de agua, gestión de residuos sólidos, contaminación ambiental, energías renovables, gestión ambiental y sostenibilidad.

    Cada edición muestra los trabajos que derivan del arbitraje académico de carácter internacional (evaluación por pares). También se publican números especiales de trabajos destacados que fueron presentados en los diversos Congresos Interamericanos de la Asociación Interamericana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental (AIDIS) y que en forma adicional fueron sometidos al proceso de antoplagio y revisión interno de la Revista AIDIS.



    Dr. Germán Buitrón Méndez, Editor 

    Blanca P. Gamboa, Coordinación editorial / Secretaría Técnica (correo principal)

    ISSN 0718-378X

    Indizada en Latindex (Catálogo 2018)

    Bases de datos: Latindex (Directorio); Periódica (DGB-UNAM); Catálogo de Revistas Científicas y Arbitradas de la UNAM.

    Calificada por Qualis-CAPES (Ministerio de Educación de Brasil)

    Reservas de derechos al uso exclusivo 04-2011-011413271800-203

    doi institucional UNAM (gestionado para publicaciones académicas institucionales).


    Para artículos de revisión (revisiones bibliográficas): Antes de someter el trabajo, los autores deberán presentar la propuesta de título del artículo y un resumen al Editor en Jefe, debiendo demostrar su experiencia en la temática propuesta a través de artículos JCR publicados en el tema.


    Las instrucciones para INGRESAR EL TRABAJO en la plataforma se encuentran detalladas en el pdf descargable del menú superior "PASOS PARA ENVÍO". En general, el usuario deberá haber llenado su perfil como AUTOR (en "Registro" del menú superior) y posteriormente ingresar en la sección de Envíos y seguir las indicaciones al seleccionar "Nuevo envío".

  • Revista de Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAM

    Revista Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAM (UNAM's International relations journal) cover topics about international reality, among these we can find international politics, Mexico's foreign policy, regional studies, international law, international cooperation, human development, international economy and foreign trade, among others. In their 108 issues and more than 37 years of existence, the journal has brought together academics from various national and international institutions, this allowed the journal to become one of the publications with more tradition in the discipline of international relations in all Latin America.
  • Estudios de Antropología Biológica

    Estudios de Antropología Biológica is a biannual continuous publication journal with the participation of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia and the Asociación Mexicana de Antropología Biológica, an aspect that strengthens the linkage and promotes dialogue between specialists from different disciplines. The topics addressed transcend borders between different disciplines, as it not only deals with the classic themes of physical or biological anthropology, but also osteology, auxology or paleoanthropology; it also disseminates works that discuss aspects related to health, ecology, demography and gender issues between ancient and contemporary populations. Other areas of interest are related to funerary practices, mortuary treatment and forensic sciences.

  • Revista Odontológica Mexicana

    Revista Odontológica Mexicana, Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM is a three-monthly publication of national and international works, which are the result of original scientific researches, review articles and case reports related with clinical, epidemiological and basic aspects of dentistry, in English or in Spanish.

    The publication was created in 2004, with the objective of providing a scientific space in the odontological area, where not only the academic community of our Faculty participates, but also colleagues from other national and international institutions and associations. The paired review system guarantees high quality standards. Currently, it is included in Latindex, Periódica del CICH (UNAM), as well as in Medigraphic, Literatura Biomédica and it is registered in the following libraries and electronic index: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Regensburg, Alemania, Biblioteca de la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo, Brasil, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS, Brasil),  Biblioteca digital de la Universidad de Chile, Biblioteca del Instituto de Biotecnología UNAM, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Bielefeld, Alemania and in the Academic Google.

  • Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica

    The Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, founded in 1974, publishes original research papers in all branches of Astronomy, Astrophysics and closely related fields. Two numbers per year are issued and are distributed free of charge to all institutions engaged in the fields covered by the RevMexAA.
  • Revista Momento Económico

    Momento Económico is a bimonthly journal with the objective of promoting the economic research mainly about México and Latin America that is developed in national and international levels. The published articles are arbitrated by recognized economists that includes members of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI)

  • Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues

    The JBHSI, is a scientific Journal published by the Mexican Association of Behavior and Health, MABH. The Journal accepts articles in English and Spanish with the purpose to disseminate original empirical, methodological and conceptual research generated by Spanish speaking scientist from the fields of experimental research, human and animal behavioral analysis,  social study of behavior and applied contingency analysis.

    The journal selects articles by means of a double-bind peer review. Authors authorize the MABH to reproduce their papers via printed or digital procedures, or by any other means considered appropriated, automatically at the moment of submission.

    The general editor of the journal during 2009-2012 is J.C.Pedro Arriaga, Phd., from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, FES Iztacala,  Building UIICSE, floor 2, office 15, phone 52-5556231333, ext. 39747, fax 52-5553907604, email:


  • Interdisciplinary Perspective of Music

    Perspectiva Interdisciplinaria de Música (PIM, Interdisciplinary Perspective of Music) offers a wide spectrum of unpublished musical topics originally written in Spanish: creation, education, ethnomusicology, cognition, musicology, interpretation, semiotics and technology. All contributions into sections Perspectiva (perspective: original research), Horizonte (horizon: research communication), Bosquejo (outline: preliminary research) and Adyacencia (adjacency: original research or research communication by no musicians) are evaluated by anonymous external referees. The magazine also contains various informative sections: Encuentro (encounter: interviews), Fusión (fusion: critical essays), Imagen (image: musical iconography), Observatorio (observatory: books, recordings and computer music reviews) and Mirada (look: notification of congresses, festivals, competitions). PIM appears in three formats––printed, digital and online––giving access to digital links on texts, scores, music, as well as audio, visual and audiovisual images. This design ranks PIM among the editorial avant-garde in Latin America and Spain.
  • Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

    The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine (ISSN 0026-1742) is published bimonthly. All work published is original and copyright belongs to the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine

    The Revista Latinoamericana de Medicina Conductual, RLCM, disseminates original research that are both conceptual and empirical, those research are about how the human behaviour affects human health. Public health and clinical studies are accepted as well as research about therapeutic procedures, meta-analysis about interventions oriented to promote individual and community health and conceptual thinking about health issues. Since its beginning the journal has been published in both, print and digital formats. Articles in both spanish and english are accepted and anonimously peer reviewed by specialists. Subscriptions to the print version of this journal should be done via the Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina Conductual site. Since October 2009 the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México included this journal in the Catálogo de revistas científicas digitales. The co-editor of behavioral sciences is María del Rocío Hernández Pozo, human learning project, UNAM-Iztacala, e-mail: The co-editor of medical sciences is Malaquías López Cervantes, special projects and sociomedical research unit, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM, e-mail: The co-editors share the coordination of the journal during the 2009-2013 period. The journal is also indexed in Latindex and has its own DOI number. 
  • Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

    The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales is a peer-reviewed scientific journal under the double-blind system, published by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Committed to theoretical and methodological pluralism, in its New Era it seeks to establish itself as a platform of international scope in which social science academics and researchers present academically relevant and socially relevant and cutting-edge knowledge of excellence, while promoting the dialogue and debate around central questions of our time that summon, cross and expand disciplinary boundaries.

    Published four months (January-April; May-August; September-December), the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales publishes content in Spanish and English, is available in both print and digital formats, is open access on the Internet under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license and does not charge publication fees (Article Processing Charges). Receive and publish research articles, book reviews, and research notes. Guides the ethics of its editorial processes by adopting its own Principles of Ethics, Malpractice Statement, and Plagiarism Detection Policy, which are consistent with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. , to which it adheres.

    The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales addresses topics related to the social sciences in general and their disciplines (sociology, political science, international relations, public administration, anthropology, and communication sciences). In turn, it is nourished by fields of specialization and convergence between disciplines such as: political theory, social theory, political communication, public opinion, management and public policies, society and the State, international actors, globalization processes, social anthropology, anthropology political and anthropological linguistics, among others.

    In 2022, numbers 244 and 245 of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales obtained the "CANIEM Awards for Editorial Art" award in the Scientific-Academic Journals category (indexed) granted by the National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry (CANIEM). .

  • Trabajo Social UNAM

    this journal publishes every four months and it's goals are to share the theory and professional practice of the social work and it's related disciplines, following a line of scientific production that seeks the highest quality elements that are required by the national and international indexes with the participation of prestigious academics, researchers and practitioners that are both from the country and foreigners.