Effect of a contextualized strategy in teaching mass and volume units

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Mario Gonzalo Mayorga Román
Sandy Francisca Tibán Huilca


The research addressed the lack of proficiency in mass and volume unit conversions among second-year high school students through a contextualized strategy. The aim was to analyze the impact of the strategy on the students’ understanding of the mentioned units. It was employed an experimental methodology with a constructivist approach. The strategy included diagnostic assessments, design and implementation of the strategy, and subsequent evaluations. The results showed a significant increase in students’ average knowledge. The normality test confirmed a normal distribution of the data. The student’s t-test revealed significant differences between the results before and after the intervention, supporting the alternative hypothesis that the implementation of the contextualized methodology enhances the comprehension and application of mass and volume unit conversions. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy in improving chemistry learning-teaching process and underscore the importance of integrating everyday contexts into teaching to promote meaningful and lasting learning, as well as the significance of the proposed methodology being applicable to the study of other chemistry topics and subjects.

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