Virtual Laboratory Practice of General Chemistry: acid-base

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Oscar Rodríguez Montoro
Inmaculada Suárez
Baudilio Coto García


The COVID-19 pandemic and the related restrictions forced the reorganization of learning methodology and gave the central role to remote learning even for Laboratory experiments. A possible strategy is virtualizing laboratory practices, which allows a non-face-to-face alternative in the case of difficulties in carrying them out. Although many commercial programs allow such virtualization, specific calculation tools have been programmed to better fit between conventional and virtual. For simplicity, Visual Basic of Excel has been chosen. In this work, an acid-base practice is described. The theoretical basis and the experimental setup used for traditional experimentation are summarized, and the calculation tool programmed to emulate the obtaining experimental data with the instructions for handling is described. The virtual practice has been tested with groups of about 70 students and, with a brief explanation, has worked correctly without technical problems. The results obtained are satisfactory compared to the traditional method since the detailed analysis of the student’s grades shows that the acquired skills are comparable in both methodologies. Therefore, it can be concluded that virtual practices are a flexible option for teaching remote practices or as a complement to traditional experimentation.

In this work, an acid-base practice is described. The theoretical basis and the experimental setup used for traditional experimentation are summarized, and the calculation tool programmed to emulate the obtaining experimental data with the instructions for handling is described.

The virtual practice has been tested with groups of about 70 students and, with a brief explanation, has worked correctly without technical problems. The results obtained are satisfactory compared to the traditional method since the detailed analysis of the student's grades shows that the acquired skills are comparable in both methodologies. Therefore, it can be concluded that virtual practices are a flexible option for teaching remote practices or as a complement to traditional experimentation.

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