Levels of representation as a selection criterion for Chemistry school textbooks

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Luisa Fernanda Toro Rodríguez
Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortega


This article addresses the importance of considering the levels of representation as a criterion for selecting the school text as a support tool for the teaching of chemistry. The methodology used in the research is exploratory in nature, based on the documentary analysis of 6 texts that were analyzed through the application of the rubrics of (Caamaño Ros, 2014; Gómez Mora, 2019; Valladares et al., 2001). The analysis of the results evidences obstacles such as the deficiency in the representations of microscopic order, the relevance given to the symbolic level, without articulating it with other levels or with a language that allows the approach to this level. As a suggestion, a rubric is proposed that exposes conceptual and methodological criteria that would guide each teacher in the selection of a good school text.

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