Obtaining carbon quantum dots to teach the concepts of absorption and emissión of energy

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Kelly Alejandra Cueto Álvarez
Maurin Salamanca


This article implements an innovative teaching strategy for general chemistry students of secondary education. The main goal is to teach abstract and challenging chemical concepts in a more engaging and accessible way for students. The strategy is based on practical experiences in the classroom and the use of nanotechnology as an innovative tool. Specifically, it focuses on obtaining carbon quantum dots through a simple yet fascinating process, which allows for teaching concepts of absorption and emission of energy. The strategy’s approach begins with identifying necessary prior concepts and introducing new concepts related to carbon quantum dots. Next, the students prepare the quantum dots following a practical guide, and then a conversation takes place to discuss the relationship between the experimental observations and the theoretical concepts. Finally, an assessment tool is employed to measure the outcomes. It was found that the strategy significantly enhanced the understanding of concepts such as absorption and emission of energy. Additionally, students could learn about nanotechnology and create environmentally friendly structures with technological impact.

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