The symbology of chemical reactions: a didactic strategy for its learning, based on the cognitive model of science

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Liliana Tróchez López
Ricardo Benítez Benítez
Danny Alejandro Arteaga Fuertes


In this work, the results of a didactic proposal designed to facilitate the learning of chemical reactions in high school students (grade 10) of the Margarita Legarda Agricultural Technical Educational Institution are reported. The methodology was based on the cognitive model of science, complying with four stages and focusing mainly on the contributions of Ronald Giere and Mercé Izquierdo, who adapted it to school science. In the first phase, the difficulties that students presented in understanding the notion of chemical reactions were identified. The model was then characterized for its subsequent application. Based on this characterization, a pedagogical sequence was implemented to contribute and improve understanding of the topic. Finally, the scope of the proposal was analyzed through the application of targeted surveys, preliminary and subsequent to the development of the class activity. For this, an exhaustive comparison of the results was made, inferring that the majority of students improved significantly in their understanding of chemical reactions and equations. In the field diaries, compliance with the four dimensions of the model was evident, results that allow us to see the proposal as a good alternative to carry out the processes of teaching and learning concepts in chemistry, where the central actor is always the student, taking into account their prior knowledge, learning difficulties and the characteristics of their context.

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