Teaching of the Basic Concepts of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC ) With a Collaborative and Linked learning Approach: Determination of Acrolein in Cigarette Smoke

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Oscar Ricardo Donoso Tauda
Andrés Palma Valencia
Macarena Rojas Poblete
Jaime Urrutia Méndez


This article presents a project-based activity which correspond to a contextualized (linked) laboratory experience that use the scientific method performed with students of the undergraduate program “Tecnología en Análisis Químico” (TAQ) at “Universidad Tecnológica de Chile, INACAP” and whose emphasis was to contribute to the theoretical-practical learning of basic concepts of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) trough the implementation of an analytical method for the determination of chemical substances from “real-life products”.

In this case, the students participated directly and actively in all the stages that allowed to estimate the concentration of acrolein, a highly toxic compound contained in cigarette smoke, acquiring in the process the fundamental skills of this instrumental analysis technique, which is a tool widely used in the field work of the chemical analyst.

Finally, our main objective is to carry out a practical laboratory activity focused on the chemical contextualization in order to promote effective learning, linking students in a broad social context beyond the classroom or laboratory, taking advantage of the intrinsic motivation that a significant activity can generate.

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Biografia do Autor

Oscar Ricardo Donoso Tauda, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile, INACAP, Escuela de Agropecuaria y Agroindustrial, Sede Renca, Bravo de Saravia 2980, Santiago, Chile

Dr. En Fisicoquímica Molecular de la Universidad Andres Bello, UNAB, ( 2011) , Químico de la Universidad de Chile (2007), con una amplia experiencia docente en el área Química, con mas de 10 años dedicado a la docencia de pre-grado, específicamente en las asignaturas Química Orgánica I, II y III, Fisicoquímica, Análisis Instrumental y sus respectivos laboratorios, en diferentes universidades Chilenas. Actualmente se desempeña como Académico-Investigador Asociado y Coordinador Nacional de proyectos de investigación aplicada del la escuela de Agropecuaria y agroindustrial, de la Universidad Tecnológica de Chile, INACAP.