A transit from Food Chemophobia to Food Chemophilia

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Agustín López Munguía


Food and the food industry have not been immune to the great advances in scientific knowledge and its application in various ways. These advances encompass aspects of food science in relation to nutrition, food production and transformation, as well as their impact on culture and dietary habits. However, various advances in food chemistry have been approached with little enthusiasm, and worse still, chemistry has been identified as the source of various health and food safety problems, with chemists and the food industry being held responsible for many afflictions. This stance, which embodies Chemophobia, is addressed in various ways and through different communication channels, where the opinions of activists, fundamentalists, and even promoters of fads and various food products prevail. It is necessary for chemists, through rational communication about food chemistry, to contribute to creating a space where we can reclaim the richness that chemistry and the chemistry we consume bring today.

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Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Agustín López Munguía, Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM

Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM


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