Educational software in the monitoring of Inorganic Chemistry II

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Antônio Rony da Silva Pereira Rodrigues


Chemistry is said to be an abstract science, and to demonstrate its concepts it is necessary to use schemes and representations and is still considered difficult to understand by many students. Due to this, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is an alternative to the teaching of Chemistry, by bringing interaction mechanisms to the classroom. In this context, the present study sought to evaluate the functionality of two educational software in the teaching of Inorganic Chemistry II, within the Academic Monitoring Program of the State University of Ceará, Brazil. The study took place for 10 months (March - December), with 2 groups, PhET and MolView software were used, and pre-test, test and questionnaires were applied, which served as a source of data collection, to evaluate the viability of the software against the concepts of Inorganic Chemistry II.  when both groups used the software, it was noticed that the success rate of both groups became satisfactory, and the students described that the software helped to understand inorganic chemistry II and that they continued to apply the technology to other disciplines

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