Green chemistry and risk reduction

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Andoni Garritz


Generally, education and public opinion have been outside decision making about risks. Teachers have seen risk study beyond their professional domain, thinking that only an elite of professionals and technicians within academy, government and industry can tackle it. Nowadays it is very important that teachers change their minds and start including the risk concept in their classes. In the case of chemistry, it may be done by using microscale and Green Chemistry cases, among others. Several authors say that we live in “the risk society”. Risk can be defined as the probability of an adverse effect on health or wealth, as a consequence of a decision taken in the presence of some hazard. Green Chemistry is useful to reduce hazards because it provides us with new sustainable chemical processes which, therefore, prevent and mitigate risks. Finally, a couple of examples of how chemistry can support other fields are selected: the Green Farm and the construction of High Performance Buildings.

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