Territorial Inequalities and Environmental Knowledge: An Exploratory Study of University Youth in Guanajuato
Main Article Content
Purpose: To analyze how territorial inequalities influence the environmental knowledge of young people studying in higher education institutions in Guanajuato.
Methodological Design: The study presents a quantitative approach. Students from three universities in Guanajuato participated, and An adapted version of the unam Environmental Survey (2015) was applied to the case of Guanajuato, with the aim of understanding to what extent their perceptions of environmental problems are related to the territory in which they live.
Results: Key environmental concerns, such as air pollution, were identified. A relationship between territory and environmental knowledge is confirmed, based on how geographic location shapes students' perceptions of environmental problems. Additionally, a variety of perspectives on causes and solutions was observed, highlighting the need for adaptive educational approaches. The research contributes to the importance of environmental education and the dissemination of knowledge.
Research Limitations: The study lacks a longitudinal analysis to follow the evolution of environmental knowledge in connection with students' territorial inequalities throughout their university careers. Likewise, an analysis of students' socio-environmental trajectories in relation to possible territorial changes over time would have been desirable.
Findings: Statistically significant results are shown regarding the link between environmental knowledge and the territory in which the surveyed students reside, highlighting the impact of spatial disparities on environmental knowledge.
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