Published: 2023-05-02

Vol. 26 No. 1

LIBS analysis of the cleaning performed by a Nd:Yag laser on used Nickel Titanium instruments

Damara Citlali Vite Hernández, Jorge Humberto Luna Domínguez, Carlos Alberto Luna Lara, Rogelio Oliver Parra

Clinical and antibacterial effect of Copaifera reticulata to support the treatment of periodontitis in type 2 diabetics

Donald Ramos-Perfecto, Américo Castro Luna, Hilda Moromi Nakata, Elba Martínez Cadillo, Hugo Arbañil Huaman, Dante Gamarra Gonzales, Rafael Chucos Ortiz, Jorge Villavicencio Gastelú, Darío Dávila Paredes

Micro tensile strength and surface appearance of a CAD/CAM nanoceramic resin treated by different etching methods

Azhela Del Ángel Ibarra, Rogelio Oliver Parra, Carlos Alberto Luna Lara, Héctor Téllez Jiménez, Bertha Luna García, Jorge Humberto Luna Domínguez

Evaluation of pH, setting, and compressive strength of two commercial MTA
cements and a newly developed MTA

Cristian Harold Zebadúa-Castellanos, Miriam Marín-Miranda, Jorge Guerrero Ibarra, Abigailt Flores-Ledesma, Karen García-Briseño, Lauro Bucio-Galindo, Yoshamin Abnoba Moreno-Vargas

Frequency of aggravation in cases of endodontic retreatment with different length of obturation

Daniel Oropeza Ledezma, Jorge Humberto Luna Domínguez, Carlos Alberto Luna Lara, Rogelio Oliver Parra

Management of maxillary second molars with two palatal roots: report of two cases

Oscar Lozano González, Marco Felipe Salas Orozco, Brenda Eréndira Castillo Silva, Miguel Ángel Casillas Santana

Complete oral rehabilitation in a patient with dental erosion caused by gastroesophageal reflux

Jacqueline Ramírez González, Diana Lizette Figueroa Aguirre, Olivia Alatorre Castorena, Marco Octavio Romero Jiménez, Andrés Niño Camacho, Andréa Dolores Correia Miranda Valdivia

Implant placement in aesthetic zone and guide tissue regeneration using ''vista'' technique

Alejandro Darío Ramírez Rodríguez, Jorge Armando Gómez Chávez, Jacqueline Adelina Rodríguez-Chávez, Karina Magaña Curiel, Ricardo Curiel González, Daniel Eduardo Bayardo González