Minimally Invasive Restoration of Interdental Spaces in a Young Patient

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Itzcóalt Alejandro Figueroa Hidalgo
Grecia Castañeda Rodríguez
Jacqueline Adelina Rodríguez-Chávez
Ricardo Curiel-González
Karina Magaña-Curiel
Irma Mongaño Santos
Vianeth Martínez Rodríguez
Juan Delgado Sánchez


Introduction: The shape, position, colour of the teeth and their relationship with the gingival tissues determine the harmony of the smile. The flowable resin injection technique in combination with occlusal and aesthetic prosthetic concepts offers a conservative approach to restoring teeth and improving their proportion, shape and contour. Using a silicone key, a diagnostic wax-up can be transferred to the clinical situation in a predictable manner, is repairable, and has a reported success rate of 3 to 7 years. Furthermore, compared to conventional ceramic veneer procedures, the injected resin technique allows for minimal wear of the tooth structure, is considerably more economical and requires less time. Objective: To describe a treatment followed to close interdental spaces with a minimally invasive technique in the anterior maxillary sector (13-23). Case presentation: A 16-year-old female patient attended the Prosthodontics Specialty clinic referred by the Orthodontics Specialty to close interdental spaces. Unsatisfactory aesthetics, wide interdental spaces, high smile and caries were identified. The periodontal diagnosis was altered passive eruption and maxillary exostosis. The treatment was divided into three phases: First phase, Hygienic, coronal scraping was performed in the 4 quadrants. Second phase, Surgical, the crown lengthening of teeth 16 to 26 was performed and the bone exostosis was removed from them. Third phase, Prosthetics, 10 veneers were made using the injected resin technique. Conclusions: Multidisciplinary management is essential for a good diagnosis and execution of appropriate treatment plans. In this case, the interdental spaces were closed with minimally invasive restorations with adequate contours and proportions and gingival exposure was reduced through surgery.

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How to Cite
Figueroa Hidalgo, I. A., Castañeda Rodríguez, G., Rodríguez-Chávez , J. A., Curiel-González, R., Magaña-Curiel, K., Montaño Santos, I., Martínez Rodríguez, V., & Delgado Sánchez, J. (2025). Minimally Invasive Restoration of Interdental Spaces in a Young Patient. Revista Odontológica Mexicana, 28(2).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Itzcóalt Alejandro Figueroa Hidalgo, Universidad de Guadalajara

Egresado de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud.

Grecia Castañeda Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Alumna de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud.

Jacqueline Adelina Rodríguez-Chávez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia y Especialidad en Ortodoncia. Instituto de Investigación en Odontología. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud

Ricardo Curiel-González, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia.Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud.

Karina Magaña-Curiel, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud

Irma Mongaño Santos, Universidad de Guadalajara

Egresado de la Especialidad en Periodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud

Vianeth Martínez Rodríguez , Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor de la Especialidad de Periodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud

Juan Delgado Sánchez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor de la Especialidad en Prostodoncia. Departamento de Clínicas Odontológicas Integrales. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud.


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