Evaluación del aprendizaje en las representaciones moleculares “enlace-línea” de los compuestos orgánicos. Un estudio de caso

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Edgar Villaseñor-Díaz
Enrique Canchola-Martínez
Arturo Salame Méndez
Norma Leticia Ramírez-Chavarín
Francisco Cruz-Sosa
Jorge Armando Haro-Castellanos


Assessment of learning in molecular representations bond-line formulas of organic compounds. A case study
Mathematics, Physics and Computation are disciplines that require a written language appropriate for communication of knowledge. In organic chemistry such language is essential to understand and handle knowledge, mainly structure and transformations of organic compounds. In the present study, was designed and applied a reactive to four groups of students in the course of organic chemistry III in order to assess the knowledge and use of bond – line formulas of organic compounds should be taught in the initial organic chemistry courses to identify and correct any deficiencies that contribute to raising achievement in learning organic chemistry. A significant correlation was found between average of correct answers and final course grades, in particular to higher scores. These data show that in the reactive applied there were more correct answers in the number of carbons and heteroatoms that in the number of hydrogen atoms and order of the atoms

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