Critical review of the article “Creep Behavior and Modeling of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)”

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Guillermo Enrique Aguilar Cortes
Luis Daniel Aguilera Camacho
J. Santos García Miranda


Creep is an important mechanical property that has relevance in the study of polymers that are used in many applications in our daily lives since it helps in the prediction of their useful life. In this review, the authors analyzed in deep the article of Mohammad Amjadi, Ali Fatemi, Polymer Testing 94 (2021) 107031 titled as “Creep Behavior and Modeling of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)” since it is the most extensive recent work on the subject of creep behavior of polymers. It is presented a critical analysis and a deep discussion of the entire manuscript, highlighting the areas of opportunity that open up for the advancement of scientific knowledge about the Creep property.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Cortes, G. E., Aguilera Camacho, L. D., & García Miranda, J. S. (2023). Critical review of the article “Creep Behavior and Modeling of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)”. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–3.

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Author Biographies

Guillermo Enrique Aguilar Cortes, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Celaya, currently a doctoral student in the Engineering Sciences program at the National Technological Institute of Mexico in Celaya. Research areas: mechanical characterization of materials for engineering.

Luis Daniel Aguilera Camacho, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya

Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences from the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Celaya. Professor-Researcher at the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Celaya. Research areas: synthesis and characterization of biomaterials, biolubricants, and tribology, National Researchers System (SNI) level I.


J. Santos García Miranda, Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of the University of Lille. Professor-Researcher at the Tecnológico Nacional de Mexico in Celaya. Research areas: synthesis and characterization of biomaterials, biolubricants, and tribology. Level I in the National Researchers System (SNI)


Mohammad, A., Ali, F. (2021) Creep Behavior and Modeling of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) Polymer Testing 94 107031. DOI:10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.107031