Water management and conservation of irrigation works in D.R. 011, Guanajuato
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Purpose: Identify the factors that limit the capacity of users belonging to Civil Associations of Users, also known as irrigation modules: Valle de Santiago and Cortazar of D.R. 011, to manage water as a common resource, conserve hydroagricultural infrastructure, and achieve efficient water use.
Methodological design: A qualitative methodology was used in which users’ behavior was observed by group and individual interviews.
Results: The results show that users are not able to manage water as a common pool resource, nor are interested in preserving or restoring the irrigation formerly transferred infrastructure because they do not consider it as theirs but as State property.
Research limitations: The research was carried out in two of the main modules, it is necessary to extend the analysis to the rest of the irrigation district.
Findings: Along with the participation of the government as a regulatory entity, it is necessary to promote the strengthening of Users’ Associations to improve water management and conservation of irrigation works.
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