Actantial model of the water-food-international trade nexus

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Bettsy Mujica
PhD. Yolanda Sánchez
PhD. Aníbal
PhD. Mario Cruz


Purpose: To provide a conceptual framework for the schematization of the water-food-international trade nexus using the actantial model, based on the qualitative analysis of the relationships that occur among its participants with an integrative approach.

Methodological Design: It is explained under the logic of the actantial model, centered on the description and classification of characters, also known as actants. The analysis was based on the review of articles that present the context and discussion of the elements of the actantial model, enabling the identification of the main characteristics that explain the actant and its interrelationships through schematization in the study’s nexus.

Results: The results provide a schematic and qualitative understanding of the underlying relationships among the elements comprising the water-food-international trade nexus, offering a novel perspective and arguing for the roles played by each actant component and nexus axes. This is significant because virtual water trade can lead to serious issues of hydro food dependency, necessitating the formulation of strategic and effective public policies in both the short and long term.

Research Limitations: It is suggested to complement this research with a quantitative analysis from a network complexity perspective. This analysis would allow for the assessment of the effects of these interrelationships both theoretically and practically, while also integrating other agents that strategically shape water and trade policies, aiming to reduce hydro-food dependence.

Findings: These interrelationships are diverse and intensive, underscoring the significance  of global as well as national scale comprehension of the nexus.


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How to Cite
Mujica Trejo , B. E., Sánchez Torres, Y. ., Terrones Cordero, A. ., & Cruz CrUZ , M. . (2023). Actantial model of the water-food-international trade nexus. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–13.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Bettsy Mujica, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hid

PhD student in Economic and Administrative Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Master in Administration from the same institution. Lines of research are: international trade, virtual water.


PhD. Yolanda Sánchez , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

PhD in Sciences, Colegio de Postgraduados. Full Time Professor, Tenured B, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Research interests: Geopolitics of foreign trade; Regional development and public policies. SNI level 1.


PhD. Aníbal , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

PhD in Sciences, Colegio de Postgraduados. Full Time Professor, Tenured C, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Research interests: Macroeconomics of growth; and Economic models and development strategies. SNI level 1.


PhD. Mario Cruz , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

PhD in Political and Social Sciences, with an orientation in International Relations, UNAM. Full Time Professor, Tenured B, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Research interests: Geopolitics of Foreign Trade, and Security, Illicit Markets and Transnational Organized Crime. SNI level 1.

Latest publications:

Cruz, M.; Guerrero, J. B.; González, A. (2019). Predictive analysis of crime incidence in Hidalgo 2019, Mexico. Investigación Administrativa, 48(123), 1-17.

Cruz, M.; González, A., Terrones, A. (2019). Trade and dispute for hegemonic leadership: the 500 companies that control the world. Revista inclusiones, 6(1), 47-64. Retrieved from

Sánchez, Y.; Terrones, A. and Cruz, M. (2019). Sectoral public policies and participatory development strategies in the Tulancingo Hidalgo Valley, Mexico, Revista de Geografía Agrícola, (62), 95-122. Retrieved from


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