Socioformative experience using Open Educational Resources as a support for cooperative learning in post-pandemic times
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Purpose: Determine how the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), constructed under the perspective of Socioformation, is related with the main components of Cooperative Learning (CL), used by some Monterrey students in their first year of high school during post-pandemic times. The investigation was carried out from August 2021 to November 2022 with the intention of contributing to possible educational interventions based on social psychology.
Methodological design: A quantitative methodological approach with a descriptive scope was used, following a quasi-experimental research design. 96 first-year high school students from a private high school located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the investigation. The Cooperative Learning Questionnaire (CAC) designed by Fernández-Río, et al. (2017) was used as an instrument for the study. The processing of information was carried out with the software JASP, using the Wilcoxon range test.
Results: Indicated that all the CL components had a statistically significant increase after the project’s implementation, reason why the relationship between them and the use of OERs can be confirmed.
Research limitations: The main limitations were the size of the sample concerning representativeness and the time available for the researchers to develop and carry out the analysis of results during and after the investigation.
Findings: The results are a reference for those interested in learning about the application of CL in learning environments that use the principles of social psychology. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue delving into how the co-creation of knowledge occurs guided by inclusion, communication, and technology.
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