Shaping the Global Honey Market: A Structural Equivalence Analysis

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Vidal Salazar Solano
José Antonio Cabrera Pereyra
Jesús Mario Moreno Dena
Isaac Shamir Rojas Rodríguez


Purpose: Define the participating countries role in the world honey trade structure, based on access capacities to the global market as suppliers, consumers and/or re-exporters.

Methodological design: The analysis is supported by a cross-sectional quantitative research design and descriptive scope. A block modeling exercise was carried out to identify groups with similar behavior, in a context of exchange relations (center-periphery), between dominant actors in the chain and others that gravitate around the central nucleus. Binary data were used: 1 represents connection or access to the market and 0 the absence of exchange.

Results: Block modeling is confirmed as an analytical tool of the role of each competing country in a context of center-periphery relations, in which central positions emerge (market power, governance), with respect to the rest of the chain's agents. As a result of the modeling, it was possible to group the countries into three blocks: central axis; main exporters; secondary markets.                       

Findings: The research provides a synthesis of global honey trade strategies: exports from the main exporters to secondary markets; exports from main exporters to the central hub; exports from the central hub to secondary markets; exports to and from the central hub.

Research Limitations: Binarization of data represents loss of information however, it does not prevent us from analyzing the configuration of the global honey market.


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How to Cite
Salazar Solano, V., Cabrera Pereyra, J. A., Moreno Dena, J. M., & Rojas Rodríguez, I. S. (2023). Shaping the Global Honey Market: A Structural Equivalence Analysis. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–11.

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Author Biographies

Vidal Salazar Solano, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C.

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Serves as a Full-Time Researcher, Category C, at the Center for Research in Food and Development A.C. His research focuses on the economics of the primary sector and markets, sustainable regional development and innovation, ecological economics, and environmental economics. He is a member of the National Researchers System, Level I.

José Antonio Cabrera Pereyra, El colegio Mexiquense

Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Arizona. Currently, he is a professor-researcher at El Colegio Mexiquense in Toluca, Mexico. His research focuses on economic geography and spatial analysis methods. He is a member of the National Researchers System as a candidate.

Jesús Mario Moreno Dena, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C.

Ph.D. in Regional Development from the Center for Research in Food and Development A.C., where he is affiliated as an associate researcher in a project at the Regional Development Coordination. His research areas include sustainable development, ecological economics, economics of the primary sector, and agricultural markets. He is a member of the National Researchers System as a candidate.

Isaac Shamir Rojas Rodríguez, Universidad de Sonora

Ph.D. in Regional Development from the Center for Research in Food and Development A.C. He is a professor-researcher in the Department of Administration at the Universidad de Sonora. His research areas include sustainable regional development, ecological economics, and process innovation. He is a member of the National Researchers System, Level I.