The intercultural education as education for the conciliation of class antagonism front the interculturality from below projected by the academic program in Community Management and Local Governments of the UIIM

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Carlos Montalvo Martínez


The Intercultural education in Michoacan is a product of the history of indigenous peoples in Mexico, framed in global socioeconomic conflicts, and in the interior by labor and educational reforms that violate human rights. It reflects the exacerbation of conditions of economic precarization and exclusion from political participation. It is a synthesis of the struggle between those who have taken over the means of production and those who only have their labor power to live. Interculturality is the face of such a confrontation between two visions of the world which shows the tension between two forms of organization of knowledge, of projecting its ends and the means of its realizing. One is the pedagogy that seeks to liberate the original communities from their precariousness condition, and another is the resistance of the elites to maintain an education level that assures its power. In this context the degree in Community Management and Local Governments takes relevance as an intercultural formation that starts from below, from the indigenous communities.


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How to Cite
Montalvo Martínez, C. (2017). The intercultural education as education for the conciliation of class antagonism front the interculturality from below projected by the academic program in Community Management and Local Governments of the UIIM. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(14).

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Author Biography

Carlos Montalvo Martínez, Universidad Intercultural Indígena de Michoacán

Doctor en Antropología, profesor investigador de tiempo
completo. Líneas de investigación: movimientos sociales,
antropología jurídica, cosmovisión de los pueblos indígenas, arte y emancipación.