La obesidad y el matrimonio como patrones culturales antagónicos al tratamiento médico institucional para el control de la diabetes en Ixhuatlancillo, Veracruz


  • Marco Antonio Cardoso Gómez



diabetes, medical treatment, obesity, marriage, cultural standards, antagonism


Considering as base two antecedents: 1) the diabetes there can and it must be controlled basically with balanced nourishment and physical exercise and 2) these medical strategies are attainable for the sick of diabetes, the present study offers a preliminary explanation to the why most of the diabetics of Ixhuatlancillo make remiss case of such strategies to control their disease. The explanation considers the obesity as sexual prototype and as primary requirement for the marriage between the ixhuatecos, what at the same time is converted into antagonistic conditions with the medical treatment for the control of the glucose levels into blood.


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How to Cite

Cardoso Gómez, M. A. (2010). La obesidad y el matrimonio como patrones culturales antagónicos al tratamiento médico institucional para el control de la diabetes en Ixhuatlancillo, Veracruz. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 12(1).



Antropología médica