Contribuciones del Cinvestav-Mérida al conocimiento de las poblaciones humanas en la península de Yucatán
physical anthropology, human ecology, human growth, reproduction, epidemiology, adaptationAbstract
In this paper we review the reports on the biological status of human populations in Yucatan, published by researchers of the Department of Human Ecology (DHE) of CINVESTAV-Merida since 1984. These reports are mainly on human growth and nutritional status of children, adolescents and adults; other topics are reproduction, epidemiology, adaptability and aging. The samples studies have been obtained from rural and urban settlements, several socioeconomic and ecological regions in Yucatan, and different social groups. The production of the DHE provides a better knowledge of the biological status of human populations, highlighting changes in the levels of undernutrition and obesity in the Peninsula, related with changes in the natural, social and cultural environments.Downloads
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