Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to indicate that their manuscript meets the following elements:

    • The template corresponding to the publication modality chosen has been downloaded and your manuscript is adapted to it.
    • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (in exceptional cases, please specify in the section Comments for the Editor).
    • Illustrations, figures and tables are inside the text in their corresponding place and not at the end.
    • The text complies with the Vancouver style and bibliographic requirements.
    • Cited electronic references have a DOI or shortened URL with Bitly.
    • Personal information has been removed from the body of the manuscript, as well as file properties, in order to comply with our peer review process.

    The author accepts his/her paper back in case of non-compliance with any of these guidelines.

    Rejection Criteria

    A manuscript will be rejected at any stage of the Publication Process if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

    • The topic is not included in the Section Policy declared by CuidArte Journal.
    • Ethical misconduct contemplated in the code of ethics of the CuidArte Journal.
    • Exceeding similarity in a manuscript by a percentage equal to or greater than 20%, see Plagiarism Detection Policy.
    • The manuscript does not comply with the guidelines stipulated in the Standards for Authors.
    • Deficiency in methodological quality, data analysis, and discussion of the publication.
    • Substantial weakness in writing, spelling, synthesis, and analysis.
    • Deficient and insufficient bibliographic support in the manuscript.


To submit your manuscripts or check the status of recent submissions to CuidArte Journal "The Art of Caring" you need to register on the platform and log in, or if you are already registered, you can simply identify yourself with your user. 

As part of the publication process, authors are required to check that their manuscript fully complies with the items shown in the checklist. In case the authors do not comply with these guidelines, the manuscript will be returned for adjustment. 

If you have any problems with your submission, please contact: cuidarte.fesi.unam@gmail.com.mx

The publication process of CuidArte Journal lasts from four to six months, since the reception of the document to its possible publication. Manuscripts are published exclusively on the CuidArte website, as well as in the databases in which it is indexed.

Reception of manuscript

The reception of manuscript is permanent during the entire year, to apply for your manuscript you must download and fill in the Request for Publication of Article and the Letter of Cession of Rights. After that, attach the official identification of each author on both sides, allowing the validation of signatures. 

The submission of the manuscript is in five steps (Submission Guide):

  1. Start
  • In this section, choose the category in which you are submitting your manuscript and indicate the fields in the checklist with which your manuscript complies, considering the previously exposed checklist.

       2. Upload submission

  • The file must be in Word format (using the template corresponding to the type of publication as a reference) and its name made up of the following nomenclature: ORIGINAL_TITLE OF THE WORK IN CAPITAL LETTERS (without accents)

       3.Enter metadata

  • Insert author data according to the order of appearance in the Publication Request.
  • The description of the authors should be according to the following structure: a) academic degree, b) academic position, c) university/institution of origin and, d) country of origin.
  • The key words must be composed of Health Sciences Descriptors (DECS)/Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), separated by a semicolon (;).
  • When capturing the title, only the first letter will be written in capital letters, except for the names of provinces, states or countries. 
  • Citations should be added as a list with the following format: (1) (2) (3) (4) ... (n), with a space between each reference, they must comply with the Vancouver standards following the examples provided by CuidArte Journal.

      4. Upload complementary files

  • In this section you must attach in a single PDF file, the Request for Publication of Article and the Letter of Assignment of Rights, as well as the authors’ ID. 
  •  Tables, diagrams, or images in the document should be uploaded in editable format (Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word).


  • To conclude the submission, you must verify that your details are correct and click on finish submission. 

*You must monitor your user on the platform and on the registered e-mail as well, in order to know the status of your manuscript and to follow up on the publication process.


All references of the submitted manuscripts must adhere to the Vancouver format. CuidArte Magazine provides the following examples of references adjusted to the established format.

Adherence to the Vancouver standards is an essential requirement for publication in the CuidArte Journal, so a strict attachment to the resource provided is requested.

*Note: In case of approval of the manuscript, you will be asked to send it by e-mail:

  • Curriculum vitae of the first two authors (maximum 100 words),
  • Photo of the first two authors (100pix X 100pix, jpg or png format)
  • Video in some of the following formats (video presentation without voice, video narration or audio only) encouraging the reader to consult his or her work, and
  • Academic profiles (optional).

As soon as the receipt of these files is confirmed, your letter of publication will be sent, ending the publication process.