Premio "Abraham Zabludovsky", 2009 Centro Cultural de Sordos
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The Abraham Zabludovsky Award, which is yearly given to outstanding thesis projects at the UNAM Faculty of Architecture, last year was given to José Gabriel Amozurrutia Cortés and Willi Raúl López Flores for their project Centro Cultural de Sordos (Cultural Center of the Deaf). The objective of this work is to rescue a privileged space in the center of Mexico City, abandoned to the use of the informal commerce and homeless people, to create a place that promotes culture, education and creative development in the community of deaf people in our country. This project was developed thanks to the close work of the architects with two important associations, Seña y Verbo y Centro Clotet. The product of this effort is a center that contemplates the needs and urges of the community, and searches to enhance the relationship of the non-hearing people with the rest of the society. In addition to this goal, the architects manage to rescue a wasteland and embellish the view of the neighborhood. The construction of the Center is now in consideration by the city government and other institutions.
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Cómo citar
Álvarez Hernández, S. (2011). Premio "Abraham Zabludovsky", 2009 Centro Cultural de Sordos. Bitácora Arquitectura, (21).
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