On Modernity and Figuration: Approaching Oscar Niemeyer’s City Museum in Brasilia through Marcel Gautherot’s Photographs

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Cláudia Costa Cabral


This article focuses on the relationship between the figurative sculptures of José Pedrosa and the modern architecture of Oscar Niemeyer at the City Museum (Brasilia, 1958-1960), as seen in the photographs of the new building shot by Marcel Gautherot in 1960. It aims to highlight a particular usage of sculpture in relation to architecture that some have considered to be a failure and others to be anachronistic, arguing that it has played a central role in Brasilia’s experience as a modern city.

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How to Cite
Costa Cabral, C. (2019). On Modernity and Figuration: Approaching Oscar Niemeyer’s City Museum in Brasilia through Marcel Gautherot’s Photographs. Bitacora Arquitectura, (41), 12–21. https://doi.org/10.22201/fa.14058901p.2019.41.70676

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