The Fernandez House in Tampico (1926): “Beauty Will Be Edible, or It Will Not Be at All”

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Carlos Alejandro Lupercio Cruz


The Fernández House, located in Tampico downtown, was designed and built in 1926 by the Tampico engineer Bartolo Rodríguez Saunders, who studied at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, and the Catalan architect Aréchiga. The building’s ornamentalist design, resembling the abundant decorations of Catalan modernism, could be derived from this connection to Aréchiga. Its patron and original owner was Luciano Fernández Gómez. The local historian Carlos González Salas has said that the Fernández House has long been known in Tampico as the “cake house,” a name that reveals the irony of the building’s ostentation, a symptom of the rising prosperity of its owners at a time that the nationalist cultural project – which aimed for hegemony – had not managed to permeate all sectors of Mexican society.

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How to Cite
Lupercio Cruz, C. A. (2018). The Fernandez House in Tampico (1926): “Beauty Will Be Edible, or It Will Not Be at All”. Bitacora Arquitectura, (39), 24–33.

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Author Biography

Carlos Alejandro Lupercio Cruz

Carlos Alejandro Lupercio Cruz 

Licenciado en Diseño de Interiores y Ambientación, 

Universidad de Guadalajara 

Doctor en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura, 

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 

Profesor y coordinador de la maestría en 

Diseño de interiores y Ambientes arquitectónicos 

Facultad de Arquitectura, 

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León