Reflections upon Landscape Culture in Mexico

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Martín M. Checa-Artasu


Is there a Landscape culture in Mexico? This paper will attempt to answer this question by analyzing the causes that have led to a lack of recognition of landscape in the country, as well as the opportunities for the emergence of a real Landscape culture in Mexico that will help as an element for territorial development in the immediate future.

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How to Cite
M. Checa-Artasu, M. (2016). Reflections upon Landscape Culture in Mexico. Bitacora Arquitectura, (26), 8–14.

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Author Biography

Martín M. Checa-Artasu

Martín Checa-Artasu Doctor en Geografía Humana
Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, México