From House to Intimate Space After the Phenomenological Description of Gaston Bachelard

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Fernando Gutiérrez Hernández


This paper addresses some aspects of the phenomenological studies on housing after Gaston Bachelard's The Poetics os Space (1958). For this purpose the theoretical argument of topo-analysis in intimate places is explored, and how it has permeated the theoretical study of architecture. Subsequently, the importance of the description of the house through daydreaming and memories is discussed, to argue the implications, critical thinking and consequences of phenomenological studies in contemporary housing. The paper concludes that the understanding of domestic space beyond its spatial qualities can foster an interdisciplinary approach through architecture.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Hernández, F. (2016). From House to Intimate Space After the Phenomenological Description of Gaston Bachelard. Bitacora Arquitectura, (32), 68–73.

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Author Biography

Fernando Gutiérrez Hernández

Fernando Gutiérrez Hernández Arquitecto, maestro en Urbanismo Sustentable The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment University College London