Editorial 31
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In this issue of Bitácora, landscape architecture –a topic that along with architecture, urbanism, and industrial design makes up our content–for the first time takes up the whole issue. It is a necessary critical reflection given that thirty years ago landscape architecture was established in Mexico as an independent university degree.
Today, we live in a world that focuses its efforts on the irrational exploitation of natural resources and, because of this, it becomes more relevant to have an ecological consciousness to arrive at a better future. The consequences of climatic changes are evident as well as the inability of governments and societies to establish better relationships between humans and their natural environment. One key way to achieve these is to find a solution to the paradoxical tension between the megalopolis and green space. Landscape architecture proposes real alternatives to the problems caused by our industrial societies.
This issue of Bitácora differs from its traditional format because we sought to gather the voices of landscape architects who were trained at the UNAM and at other institutions in Mexico and abroad and who speak about their professional, academic, and research experiences. Without a doubt, this is an invaluable testament to three decades of academic work.
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Bitácora Arquitectura by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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