Estudios antiguos y modernos sobre la lengua otomí

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Clementina Yolanda Lastra García


This article reviews the main studies which have been published
on the Otomí language. Its purpose is not only to comment upon
the bibliography, but to give an idea of what the language was
like at first contact with Spanish, what it is like at the present line as well as what its dialect diversity is nowadays. Two versions of the Our Father, from 1750 and the modern Ixtenco dialect are given as samples of old and modern Otomí. Comparisons of the present-day dialects are made giving examples of basic grammatical questions and of lexicon and phonology. The number of speakers and their distribution is given. The main events of the language's external history are also discussed.


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How to Cite
Lastra García, C. Y. (2010). Estudios antiguos y modernos sobre la lengua otomí. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).

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