Las ceremonias agrícolas y la organización productiva milpera en un ejido del sur de Yucatán

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Juan José Rendón Monzón


Asemiological analys¡s of the agricultorical ceremony of Ch'aa chac is presente in this paper. The ceremony is performed in a peasant comunity in the south of Yucatan and represents a pryer for the rain Different aspects of the Ch'aa chac are considered as a group of anunciateds with subjects, verbs and objects. With this aproach it was possible to identify the connotated signification of the semmiotic elements, within the historical context of the ejidal organization


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How to Cite
Rendón Monzón, J. J. (2009). Las ceremonias agrícolas y la organización productiva milpera en un ejido del sur de Yucatán. Annals of Anthropology, 26(1).

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Author Biography

Juan José Rendón Monzón, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología

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