Published: 2017-02-14

Vol. 19 No. 1 (2016)

Cyberbullying: A mental health problem among mexican adolescent

Víctor Manuel Castellanos Cerón, Fabiola Itzel Villa George, Manuel Gámez Guadix


Relation of burden and dysfunctional thoughts in informal caregivers of children with congenital heart diseases

Bertha Ramos del Río, Azalea Citlali Flores Bobadilla, Carlos Gonzalo Figueroa López


Psychological well-being, goals and academic performance

Alfonso Sergio Correa Reyes, Ma del Refugio Cuevas Martínez, Margarita Villaseñor Ponce


Construction of a Housing Stress Scale

Adrián Magdaleno González, Luz María Flores Herrera, Marcos Bustos Aguayo


Dental malocclusion associated with mouth breathing in children from eastern Mexico City

Leticia Orozco Cuanalo, Luz María Castillo González, María Eugenia Bribiesca García, María Virginia González de la Fuente
