Maximum Preservation Aesthetic Treatment with Feldspathic Veneers in the Anterior Maxillary Sector
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Introduction: Current dentistry offers different aesthetic alternatives with minimal invasion. For patients seeking to improve dental appearance, the preparation of aesthetic veneers is a good alternative in the case of short clinical crowns, dental re-anatomization and color changes. Objective: To show the interdisciplinary treatment of a patient to improve the aesthetic conditions of the anterior maxillary sector in a minimally invasive manner. Case Presentation: A 21-year-old female patient attended a dental evaluation appointment. During the examination the following was observed: diastemas in the upper anterior teeth and short clinical crowns. After the smile design was carried out, aesthetic crown lengthening of teeth 13 to 23 was performed and then oral rehabilitation began. Conclusions: When planning clinical cases in which dental aesthetics are involved, it is important to look for different options that together achieve good aesthetic and functional results. In this patient, dental aesthetics were achieved with maximum preservation procedures for dental tissues.
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