Photobiomodulation Therapy as an Adjuvant in Reducing Postoperative Pain in Third Molar Surgery. A Systematic Review
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Introduction: Third molar surgery is normally associated with different complications, the main one being postoperative pain. Commonly, therapy focuses on the prescription of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NAIDS) as adjuvants to minimize pain. However, the nsaids have numerous gastrointestinal, renal and haematological side effects. Currently, the implementation of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy has been suggested, in an effort to offer the best adjuvant treatment in the control of postoperative pain that does not generate side effects. Objective: To make a systematic review on the effectiveness of implementing pbm therapy to reduce postoperative pain in third molar surgery. Materials and methods: A search was performed in three electronic databases: PubMed®, ScienceDirect® and Wiley Online Library. These included randomized controlled trials (RCT) published from 2015 to 2021. Results: A short number of articles were found, none of them had a standardised PBM therapy protocol (wavelength, measured power density, J/cm2 energy per point). Besides, these articles did not present agreement between the characteristics of the PBM therapy application. From the included studies, all showed statistical significance in the reduction of pain when applying PBM therapy. Conclusion: According to the results of this review, the application of pbm therapy is effective in reducing postoperative pain in third molar surgery.
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