Coronavirus-Associated Mucormycosis in the Stomatognathic System: Exploratory Systematic Review
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Introduction: Since the end of 2020, mucormycosis began to be reported in patients who were or had suffered from SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19). The areas affected by this condition are diverse, including lung, nose, eye, mouth. Objective: To synthesize and systematize the existing information on the relationship between: mucormycosis, covid-19 and the stomatognathic system. Material and methods: The search was carried out in the bibliographic databases: PubMed-MedLine, ncbi, Scopus, Springer and Google Scholar. The process was in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (prisma) guidelines. To control the risk of bias, the template “understanding a Systematic Review” of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme - Español (CASPe) was applied. Finally, the tool spider (Sample, Phenomenon of interest, Design, Evaluation, Research type was used to collect the information, including sample, phenomenon, design, evaluation and type of research. Results: 11 manuscripts were selected: 3 research articles, 4 case reports, and 3 literature reviews which describe the diagnosis, causes of presentation, treatments and pre- and post-operative management protocols of the cases. Conclusions: Although the articles found are not in large number, there is currently a description of this disease, and some considerations that dentists should make when finding patients with this infection.
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