Efficacy of Commercial Disinfectants in Reducing Microorganisms on Dental Chair Surfaces in Pediatric Clinics
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Introduction: reducing surface contamination in dental clinics with disinfectants is key to infection control. Objective: to evaluate bacterial growth on the dental spitoon/cuspidor, three-way syringe tip and saliva ejector converter of the dental chair in paediatric dental clinics after three working days. Material and methods: Microorganisms were isolated and Colony Forming Unit (CFU) were quantified from the surfaces evaluated during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day of the working day. The disinfectants tested were Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) 5th generation 3% (FD 300® and Septalkan®) and 3rd generation (Bactogem EQ-110®); sodium hypochlorite 0.05% (NaClO) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2, TwinOxide®). Results: the microorganisms isolated prior to the use of disinfectants were: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia faecalis, E. coli and Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia-Citrobacter complex, KESC. Following the use of the disinfectants, P. aeruginosa and E. coli were completely eliminated; a significant reduction of E. faecalis and KESC was also obtained (p <0.05), and S. aureus showed no bacterial reduction. FD 300® obtained the highest reduction >5 Log10 on all three surfaces, followed by Septalkan® with a reduction between 3 and 4 Log10. NaClO 0.5% and TwinOxide® (ClO2) obtained a reduction of more than 3 Log10, Bactogem EQ-110® obtained smaller reductions between 2 and 3 Log10. Conclusions: The 5th generation 3% QACs FD 300® showed the highest CFU reduction on the three-way syringe tip and saliva ejector converter, and a total reduction on the cuspidor, followed by Septalkan®; NaClO and ClO2 obtained a similar CFU reduction; the 3rd generation QACs showed the lowest disinfectant efficacy.
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