Publicado: 29-09-2017

Vol. 21 Núm. 3 (2017): Versión Inglés

Dentistry in our country

Yolanda Valero Princet

Periodontal disease and its relationship with clinical and sociodemographic variables in adult patients treated in a service/teaching institution

Juan Carlos Maya Ramírez, Natalia Sánchez Lopera, Adriana Posada López, Andrés Agudelo Suárez, Javier Enrique Botero

Deformation of scalpel blades after incision of gingival tissue in pig mandibles. An ex vivo study

Antonio Díaz Caballero, Arnulfo Tarón Dunoyer, Roes Hernández Ligardo, Ángel Camacho Vergara, Natalia Fortich Mesa

Restorative treatment of traumatic dental injuries. Report of three clinical cases

Johann Vladimir Uzcátegui Quintero, Alinne Hernández Ayala, Ricardo González Plata, Enrique Ríos Szalay

Placement of dental implants in atrophic jaw with divided crest and ridge expansion technique

Juan Reyes Doimi, Guillermo Mauricio Aguirre Balseca, Andreé Cáceres La Torre

Use of hyaluronic acid as an alternative for reconstruction of interdental papilla

Daniela Corte Sánchez, Beatriz Raquel Yáñez Ocampo, César Augusto Esquivel Chirino

Odontomas: report and clinical case series. School of Dentistry, University of Cartagena, 2010-2015

Edwin Puello Del Río, Francisco Javier Sir Mendoza, Adriana Cristina Carbal González