Publicado: 13-06-2017

Vol. 21 Núm. 2 (2017): Versión Inglés

Relationship between traumatic occlusion and abfractions; their role in pulp disease

Celia Elena del Perpetuo Socorro Mendiburu Zavala, Josué Carrillo Mendiburu, Pedro Lugo Ancona

Alterations found in the mouth of patients treated with head and neck radiotherapy. Medellin, Colombia

Gloria Jeanethe Álvarez Gómez, Rosa Virginia López Camacho, Javier Enrique Botero Torres, Sandra Milena Botero Gómez, Diana Patricia Cardona Álzate, Pedro Alejandro Carmona Ross, Jorge Eliecer Hernández Arévalo

Inter-examiner concordance in the assessment of periodontal fi ndings by means of panoramic X-rays

Antonio Díaz Caballero, Yuritza Hernández Arenas, Saray Montalvo Acosta

Predisposing factors affecting oral health in diabetes mellitus patients

Fátima Mazzini Torres, William Ubilla Mazzini, Tanya Moreira Campuzano

Compressive strength of glass ionomer and composite resin. In vitro study

Sara Blanco Lerech, Sebastián Frías Tarón, Arnulfo Tarón Dunoyer, José María Bustillo Arrieta, Antonio Díaz Caballero

Gingival and bone tissue healing in lower third molar surgeries. Comparative study between use of platelet rich fi brin versus physiological healing

Galo Fernando Guzmán Castillo, Mayra Elizabeth Paltas Miranda, Juan Andrés Benenaula Bojorque, Katerine Isabel Núñez Barragán, Denisse Vanessa Simbaña García

Gunshot caused facial wound. Literature review and clinical study of three cases

Diego Esteban Palacios Vivar, José Ernesto Miranda Villasana, Angélica Shadai Calderón Lumbreras

Prosthetic hybrid rehabilitation in orofacial defect. Case presentation

Juan Felipe Jerez Moreno, José Federico Torres Terán, Vicente González Cardín