Tracking the presidential campaigns 2012 in social networks: an exploratory study

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Adriana Ortiz-Ortega
José Luis Rodríguez Raya
Ariadna V. Gómez González
Fernanda de la Cruz Pérez


The impact of social networks during presidential campaigns is a new field of study. This paper analyzes, for the first time, the role of Twitter –one of the three fastest growing networks– during the 2012 Mexican electoral process. The construction of a mixed methodology allowed us to build robust quantitative indicators that provided information for our qualitative interpretation of the use of social networks by all the different candidates and citizens as well. We also assessed the impact of such use on public opinion and on the inclusion of emerging issues in the political agenda. We confirmed two hypotheses: first, social networks performed as a nonregulated means of expression for citizens as well as a testing ground for political strategies forwarded by the candidates. Second, networks interact amongst themselves as well as with the international and national press, selected as our privileged media. Hence, our conclusion was that there is a growing influence of networks in novel forms of participation in presidential elections, showing that democracy is thus strengthened.

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How to Cite
Ortiz-Ortega, A., Rodríguez Raya, J. L., Gómez González, A. V., & de la Cruz Pérez, F. (2013). Tracking the presidential campaigns 2012 in social networks: an exploratory study. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (13).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Adriana Ortiz-Ortega, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Economist and political scientist, specializing in university rankings, encourage scientific production, international education, gender and sexuality; has extensive experience in studies of political processes and cultural transformations. She works as a lecturer at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the UNAM and develops multidisciplinary projects for which integrates research teams. Some of her research concern strategies to potentiate the Mexican scientific, public policies on gender and sexuality, as well as insertion of sexualities in university curricula.

José Luis Rodríguez Raya, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Bachelor of Business Administration from the UNAM, has studied Economics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and master's UNAM. He has completed various degrees in marketing, educational evaluation, Human Development and Project Management (ITESM). He has worked in both the private sector and the public as Jr & Senior consultant. He is currently Secretary of Planning and Evaluation at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where it develops interdisciplinary research projects.

Ariadna V. Gómez González, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Bachelor and Master in Social Anthropology from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, and the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), Federal District headquarters, respectively. In the mastery she specialized in the analysis of the link between the global and the local. She also has experience in research on gender issues, human rights, secular state, and religious diversity in Mexico.
For two years she was a research project at the General Secretariat of the UNAM, and, since March 2012, serves on the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Fernanda de la Cruz Pérez, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Student of the BA in Communication Sciences at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM. Currently involved in the Cities of Opportunity project for international Pricewaterhouse Coopers about finding areas of opportunity in 20 Mexican cities.