Online Mathematics teaching: Challenges and solutions

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Omar Terrazas Razo
Guadalupe Vadillo


This article of testimonies from the Public Distance University Baccalaureate Network presents a specific aspect of the programs in the academic, technological and management areas. In the first phase, throughout ten issues of the Mexican Distance Baccalaureate Magazine, since February 2020, the testimonies of the various actors who make these programs possible were presented. Now, in this new phase, the problems, challenges and solutions of teaching various key disciplines at the upper secondary level are explored. It will begin with one of the greatest concerns of teachers and directors of high school programs: the teaching of mathematics. In order to introduce the topic, we will briefly address the case of negative emotions towards mathematics that represent a challenge for mathematics teachers, as pointed out by several of the online high school teachers in their testimonies included in this text.

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How to Cite
Terrazas Razo, O., & Vadillo, G. (2025). Online Mathematics teaching: Challenges and solutions. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 17(33).

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Benítez Corona, L., y Martínez Rodríguez, R.C. (2023). La resiliencia matemática en estudiantes de un bachillerato rural. RIEE Nueva Época, 8(1).

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