Psychological Effects of Mixed Electoral Systems: Jalisco and Mexico City, 1995/1997-2018

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Sol Cárdenas Arguedas


A comparative study is carried out at the local level of two mixed electoral systems in Mexico, Federal District (now Mexico City) and Jalisco. Psychological effects are specifically addressed through the analysis of seventeen elections (eight and nine, respectively). The text, on one hand, presents a proposal to carry out this analysis, and on the other, answers two questions: what psychological effects are observed in these entities in relation to the electoral system dimensions and the electoral system as a whole? and what are the changes observed in these throughout the different periods studied?


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How to Cite
Cárdenas Arguedas, S. (2022). Psychological Effects of Mixed Electoral Systems: Jalisco and Mexico City, 1995/1997-2018. Estudios Políticos, (57), 99–146.

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Author Biography

Sol Cárdenas Arguedas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (orientación Ciencia Política). Profesora Asociada “C” de Tiempo Completo adscrita al Centro de Estudios Políticos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, unam. Línea(s) de investigación: feminismo, poder, democracia y representación política; sistemas electorales y sus efectos (mecánicos y psicológicos), e instituciones políticas.