The “decision making” and the impossibility of Humankind survival in capitalism

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Pablo González Casanova


This paper raises the following thesis: those who are at the top of the “mode of domination and capital accumulation” are making decisions that are leading us to a place where survival of humanity and life in general might not be possible. Through the bookkeeping mindset of businessmen and shareholder alike, we can make sense the inner workings of capitalism and its distortions. It is quite clear now that such mindset engenders decisions that threatens the environment and the ecosystems. It is also clear why some people representing the “political
class” don’t take into consideration, or even disqualify, the opinions of well-respected scholars who have talked about the ongoing crisis of the biosphere and the ecosystems. Human species will survive only if capitalism ceases to exist, though it isn’t the only way to ensure its survival. Within the new mode of accumulation and domination might be possible to find predatory capitalistic forms of accumulations; however, it is important to prevent them through
the field of sciences and social movements.


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How to Cite
González Casanova, P. (2019). The “decision making” and the impossibility of Humankind survival in capitalism. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (44), 19–39.

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Author Biography

Pablo González Casanova, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Sociólogo mexicano. Profesor e Investigador Emérito de la UNAM. Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua. Coordinador del sitio electrónico Conceptos y Fenómenos Fundamentales de Nuestro Tiempo desarrollado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM.


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