Liberty and non-discrimination. The scope of intersectional jurisprudence

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Kalpana Kannabiran


This paper introduces a sociological introspection and a judicial review to overcome discrimination and violence in societies whose colonial and communal past is tied up with the current neoliberal trend. It explores the relationship between the limits of liberty and the scope of discrimination. And it proposes –something to be referred as– a constitutional insurgency or a new constitutional morality by looking into the elements that made possible the Indian Constitution of 1949.


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How to Cite
Kannabiran, K. (2015). Liberty and non-discrimination. The scope of intersectional jurisprudence. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (36), 59–82.

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Author Biography

Kalpana Kannabiran, Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad de Hyderabad.

Socióloga y jurista india. Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad de Hyderabad. Directora del Consejo de Desarrollo Social. Integrante del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología.