The migrants, transnational politics and the Mexican vote abroad

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Arturo Santamaría Gómez


One of the most consistent and old historical events between relations Mexico-US that globalization has brought up at the end of the century is the Mexican policy life at the north border. The economic integration has advanced to NAFTA to perceive that Mexican nationality exists further than our borders. The law of Non Resignation at Mexican Nationality and The Mexican Vote Outside are inserted inside the reality taken place at the Mexican-US economic, social, politic and cultural deep performance. Those are the reflections made by the author in this article, and it offers a historical reconstruction about the real meaning and impact of Mexican emigration to US and the struggle to get the Mexican vote outside. It analyzes the different moments in which this has been held and the debate around it from several groups in the US and here, between parties and some non-governmental organisms or official institutions also. The author talks about the debate became visible at the politic area through the mass media, especially since 1994. He affirms that Mexican migration to US constitutes one of the international migration phenomenon more numerous and consistent in the history at XIX and XX centuries, and at the same time, the social fact more constant in the history of the relations between those two countries.


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How to Cite
Santamaría Gómez, A. (2000). The migrants, transnational politics and the Mexican vote abroad. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 7(12-13), 199–220.

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