Latin America: social sciences and society towards the XXI century

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Raquel Sosa Elízaga


From the perspective of the violent transformations taken place in Latin American the last twenty years and had forced scientists of all disciplines to review their previous proposals about issues which affect the region and it societies, this article exposes a particular vision about some problems that social sciences must face up today. It also remarks the impact that this science can have in the future. It focus some considerations to re-orient the view from which these disciplines move toward their study objects and how they can redirect themselves regarding the demands of their institutions. The author assert that social scientists must remodel their relations in the future with the societies they wanted to analyze and contribute to solve their problems. Between the conclusions the author says that recognize behind that apparent chaos, a new logic of social change, looking for it directions and follow it steps, it is, perhaps, the most transcendental work that might remark from the scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite
Sosa Elízaga, R. (2000). Latin America: social sciences and society towards the XXI century. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 7(12-13), 11–23.

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