Social citizenship and democratization: civil society to neoliberalism

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Beréngére Marques-Pereira
Enrique Rajchenberg


In the current sociological literature, the analysis frequently concentrates on the impact of the neoliberal politicians on the population. The authors sustain that the scenario is more complex and that we took hold to a double process of non-citizenship and of growing demands of citizenship. One of the most illustrative cases, in this sense, is that of the movements of the women and their diverse strategies in front of the neoliberalism. However, to assume this theoretical perspective demands a new definition of the citizenship concept whose main source, still if it requires a deep critical revision, it is the proposal had enunciated by Marshall fifty years ago.


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How to Cite
Marques-Pereira, B., & Rajchenberg, E. (1998). Social citizenship and democratization: civil society to neoliberalism. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 5(10), 7–21.

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